Coaching & Evolution | Blog
I am a Professional Mindset and Leadership Coach (ICF Certified), Navigator of personal and professional development and Explorer of human psychology. I help Leaders who work and stress excessively to relax, achieve results and enjoy life
Ioana, Radulescu, Certified Coach, ICF, Associate Certified Coach, Ioana Radulescu, Romania, Bucuresti, ethics, confidential, code, definition, coaching, about, what, why, career, leadership, mindset, heart, emotions, thoughts, mindfulness, space, quiet, beautiful, profession, evolution, obstacles, challenges, profession, loneliness, gift, motivation, inspiration, vision, job, aspiration, dreams, objectives, SMART, SMARTe, time-bond, professional, project, ICF, ACC, certified, head, top, experience, informatics, workshops, heart, people, informatics, cognitive, behavioral, humanistic, experiential, pluralistic, integrative, nlp, psychology, philosophy , Coach Romania, Coach Bucuresti, Coach Training, Coaching pentru Lideri, Coaching for Leaders, Coach certificat, Cel mai bun coach din Romania,Programe de coaching pentru leaderi, Pachete de coaching, Pachete de coaching pentru leaderi, lideri, stres, munca in exces, mindset, leadership, coach, devoltare personala, dezvoltare profesionala, stress management, managementul stresului, work-life balance, anxietate, insomnie, burnout, epuizare fizica si mentala, lipsa de timp, program, program transformational, grija de sine, satisfactie, sensul vietii, esec, perfectionism, autocritica, fear of missing out, constientizare, autocunoastere, valori, gestionarea emotiilor, credinte limitative, controlul, obiectiv concret, directie si strategie, indeplinire obiectiv, sesiune de inschidere, bonus, programeaza o discutie, coach profesionist, Coaching & Evolution, Factori declansatori, excesiv, sa obtina rezultate, sa se bucure de viata, rezultate
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As a manager are you still “standing” when the time gets rough?

As a manager, you have a critical role in the success of your team and organization. One of the most important things you can do is to be a steady, reliable presence, even when times get tough. When things are going well, it's easy to be a confident and optimistic leader, but when the going gets rough, it's essential to remain standing and to help your team weather the storm. So, why is it important to still be standing when times get rough? Here are a few reasons: -> Your team needs...

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As a manager why should I “Walk the talk”

In the world of management, there are many skills and traits that are essential for success. "Walk the talk" is one of them and it refers to the idea that a leader should not just talk about what they believe in or want their team to do, but should also actively model those behaviors and values in their own actions. Walking the talk is important for several reasons. First, it helps to build trust and credibility with your team. If you tell your team that honesty and transparency are important values,...

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Efficiency as a management skill

Efficiency is the ability to accomplish tasks with the least amount of time, resources, and effort possible. It is a critical concept in the field of management and is essential to achieving organizational goals. What is Efficiency? Efficiency is the ability to maximize output while minimizing input. It involves utilizing resources such as time, money, and labor in the most effective way possible. Efficiency can be measured by comparing the amount of resources used to the amount of output produced. In other words, the more output achieved with fewer resources, the...

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Why is honesty important when in a management role

Honesty is one of the most important virtues that a person can possess. It is a crucial quality in building strong relationships, whether in personal or professional contexts. Honesty is the foundation of trust, and it is a critical component of effective leadership and management. What is Honesty? Honesty is the quality of being truthful, transparent, and sincere in one's actions and words. It involves telling the truth, admitting to mistakes, and being accountable for one's actions. Honesty is not only about telling the truth but also about being fair and impartial....

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Why clarity is an important management skill?

Clarity is a critical management skill that is often overlooked, yet it plays an essential role in the success of any team or organization. Clarity refers to the ability to communicate effectively and efficiently, providing clear and concise instructions, feedback, and expectations. Clarity can be defined as the quality of being clear, easy to understand, and transparent. In the context of management, it refers to the ability to provide clear and concise communication to team members, stakeholders, and clients. Effective communication is critical in any organization, and clarity is the key...

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The importance of cultivating psychological safety as a manager

As a manager, you should create a positive and productive work environment for your team. One of the most important factors in achieving this is cultivating psychological safety. Psychological safety refers to the belief that one can speak up, take risks, and be vulnerable without fear of negative consequences such as punishment, ridicule, or ostracism. When employees feel psychologically safe, they are more likely to share ideas, ask for help, admit mistakes, and take risks. This fosters a culture of innovation, collaboration, and continuous improvement. !! Here are some reasons why cultivating...

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Why should managers encourage improvements?

As a manager/ leader, it is important to not only maintain the current state of your team and organization but also encourage improvements. Encouraging improvements means that you create an environment that promotes growth, development, and progress. -> Encouraging improvements can lead to increased motivation and engagement among employees. When employees see that their efforts are valued and that their ideas and suggestions are taken seriously, they are more likely to feel motivated to work harder and engage more fully with their work. By creating an environment that encourages improvements, managers...

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Objectivity as a management skill

As a manager, one important skills you can possess is objectivity or rational decision making . Objectivity is the ability to make decisions and judgments based on facts and evidence rather than personal biases or feelings. Objectivity allows you to see situations clearly and make rational decisions that are in the best interest of the organization and its stakeholders. -> Objectivity helps managers to make fair and unbiased decisions. In many situations, managers are required to make decisions that can impact employees, stakeholders, or the organization as a whole. Making decisions...

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Being a leader with high competence in the work field

Competence in one's field of work is essential and crucial for anyone in a leadership position. It refers to the knowledge, skills, and experience that are necessary for achieving personal and professional success. * Competence is necessary for making informed decisions. Leaders who lack competence in their field of work may struggle to understand complex problems and make informed decisions. On the other hand, leaders who are competent are able to analyze and understand complex issues, making informed decisions based on their knowledge and expertise. This is particularly important in...

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Why is it important to develop your time management skills when in a leadership position?

Time management is a crucial management skill for anyone in a leadership position. It involves organizing and prioritizing tasks to make the best use of the limited time available. Effective time management is essential for achieving personal and professional goals. * First, time management is critical for increasing productivity. Leaders who manage their time effectively are able to complete more tasks in less time, freeing up more time for other important responsibilities. This not only benefits the individual but also the organization, as leaders are able to contribute more and be...

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