Coaching & Evolution | Collaborations Coaching & Evolution
Collaboration for Education. Coaching & Evolution joins forces with Coach Connect to deliver coaching training for high schools teachers in ROSE program.
Collaboration, Education. Coaching & Evolution, ROSE, Coach Connect, Coach training, Training sessions, Project Management, Coaching in LEadership, Working in Teams, ICF Romania, Corporate Programs, Partnership, Coaching Romania, Coaching Bucharest, Ioana Radulescu
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Partnered Coach Connect for delivering Coaching Training Programs for high school teachers as part of the ROSE project.

The program’s goal is to train the teachers into applying coaching techniques with their students while teaching.

We aim to make a change in the educational system, leading to a better relationship between teachers and students and improve the the baccalaureate exam promotion rate.

Collaborating with MaxMentor for delivering training programs for individual groups and companies.

I deliver training such as: Project Management, Coaching in Leadership, Working in Teams.

Check it out:

Corporate customized programs for improving leadership performance and guiding towards setting and achieving professional goals.

The name of the Company can not be made public due to Non Disclosure Agreement.

I collaborated with Sarantis Group Romania to deliver a training on “Managing emotions” for a team of beauty counselors and their leader. I guided them through boosting self confidence, understanding their mission, understanding and identifying emotions and managing stressing periods.

The training was full of exercises and provided practical solutions for different scenarios the team is confronting every day.