Coaching & Evolution | The solution for reducing the stress and exhaustion.
Feeling overwhelmed by daily stress, exhausted, and struggling with your personal life? Despite your efforts, you can’t achieve results and enjoy success.
Stress, Exhaustion, Clarity, Confidence, Balance, Reconfiguring the Mental Map, Overwhelmed by daily stress, Exhausted, Efforts, Success, Ongoing struggle, Lack of direction, Lack of direction and purpose, Successful transformations, Global recognition, Coaching, Leadership, Mindset change, Transforming limiting beliefs, Productivity, Results, More efficient effort, ICF Global Accreditation, ICF, 11 certifications, 15 years of experience, 1000 hours, Free session, You are facing, Lack of satisfaction, Lack of fulfillment in life, Inability to manage stress, Perfectionism, Fear of failure, Self-criticism, Fear of rejection, Managing emotions, Lack of self-care, Poor rest, Tested processes, Image of success, Deep values, Honesty, Respect for people, Professional ethics, Continuous evolution, Personal experience, Professional experience, Studied and tested processes, Focus on value, Values, Skills, Maximum potential, Ideal future image, Identifying blockages, Limiting beliefs, Emotional behavior, Self-image, Reconfiguring the mindset, Detailed route definition, Navigating the route, Setting the destination, Discovering inner personal resources, Identifying blockages, Defining the route, Navigating the route, Consolidating the strategy, Mind engineering, Inner processes, I don’t have time, I’m not sure, The right moment, Clarity and Personalized Strategy Consulting, Success, Risks, mind map, Coaching & Evolution, mind map reconfiguration, reconfiguration
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At last, you’ve found the solution that will help you reduce stress and achieve the desired results.

Gain Clarity, Confidence, and Results through Mind Map Reconfiguration.

Are you feeling overwhelmed by daily stress, exhausted, and struggling with your personal life? Despite your efforts, you can’t seem to grow your energy, and enjoy the results and success you deserve.

Every day feels like a constant battle, and the lack of direction and purpose is affecting your well-being and performance. You’re always exhausted, and this is reflected in your results, performance, relationships and how you see yourself.

“The Accurate Map for Clarity, Confidence and Results” is a specially designed program to help you reduce stress and exhaustion while achieving clarity, confidence and results.

As a Mind Map Designer with over 1,000 hours of coaching and mentoring, 15 years of leadership experience, and 11 top certifications, I have developed the “Mind Map Reconfiguration” methodology to help you create a successful mindset and find clarity and confidence and achieve results. I’ve assisted over 80 persons individually in developing a success-oriented mindset through personal resource discovery, overcoming blocks, and reconfiguring their mentality.

Successful Transformations and Global Recognition in Coaching and Leadership.

Research shows that by changing mindset and transforming limiting beliefs, individuals can reduce stress and improve productivity, achieving better results with more efficient effort.


  • Carol Dweck, a psychology professor at Stanford University, has studied the effects of mindset on performance and success. In her book “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success”, Dweck demonstrates that people with a “growth mindset” (belief that abilities can be developed through hard work and dedication) are more likely to succeed. This applies not only in education but also in career and personal life. By changing their mindset, individuals can reduce stress and excessive effort, focusing more on personal and professional development.


  • Martin Seligman, the founder of positive psychology, has shown through his research that changing limiting beliefs and adopting an optimistic mindset can significantly impact success and well-being. In his book “Learned Optimism”, Seligman illustrates that by restructuring negative thoughts and adopting a positive thinking style, individuals can decrease stress and increase productivity.

Recognized globally through ICF Global accreditation and 11 certifications in leadership and coaching, I have over 15 years of experience and have helped more than 80 individuals develop a successful mindset by uncovering personal resources, overcoming blocks, and reconfiguring their mentality, accumulating over 1000 hours of coaching and mentoring.

Free Clarity and Personalized Strategy Counseling session
Free Clarity and Personalized Strategy Counseling session
This program is suited for you if

You are facing:


  • A disorganized mind and life, feeling like your energy is split into 1000 things and your loosing direction, clarity and confidence
  • Feeling of exhaustion and lack of energy.
  • Feeling overwhelmed by all professional and/or personal activities.
  • Lack of satisfaction and fulfillment in life, even if you have professional success.
  • Feeling that you can’t achieve your personal or professional goals.
  • Feeling uncertain about your personal and professional goals.
  • Inability to manage stress and pressure effectively.
  • Feeling of loneliness or isolation due to excessive dedication to work.
  • Lack of direction or purpose in life and a clear vision for the future.
  • Frustration due to lack of control over situations or outcomes.
  • Feeling of lack of recognition and appreciation for the work done.
  • Uncertainty about the future and anxiety about the direction of their personal and professional life.
  • Feeling that no matter how many techniques you apply, you can’t manage your time well.
  • Inability to set boundaries at work.
  • Others’ opinions about you.
  • Fear of not being good enough or competent.
  • Perfectionism.
  • Fear of failure.
  • Excessive self-criticism and doubt.
  • Fear of rejection or abandonment.
  • Inability to manage your emotions.
  • Lack of time for anything.
  • Lack of self-care.
  • Poor rest.
Free Clarity and Personalized Strategy Counseling session
Mind Map Reconfiguration Method

The Success Blueprint Based on Tested Processes and Deep Values



The “Mind Map Reconfiguration” method offers a unique and valuable approach to my clients by combining the following elements:


  1. Fundamental Values:
  • Honesty: The results I propose are realistic and honest. I do not sell magical solutions or require upfront payments. Each process is personalized and flexible, allowing you to withdraw if you’re not satisfied.
  • Respect for People: The process is centered around you. My mission is to support and guide you, offering an empathetic and non-judgmental space dedicated solely to your development.
  • Professional Ethics: As an International Coaching Federation (ICF) certified coach, I adhere to the ICF code of ethics and use proven, tested methods. I handle each session with professionalism and respect, delivering beneficial contributions.
  • Continuous Evolution: I am committed to ongoing personal and professional development through courses, mentoring, and self-analysis to provide my clients with relevant and effective solutions.


2. Personal Experience:

The challenges you face are ones I have encountered myself. I speak not just from books but from personal experience. I have seen and gone through much, and I am not easily frightened. This allows me to create a safe space where you can be yourself without embarrassment, shame, or judgment. It’s important for you to know that I understand—I’ve been there too, I know how it feels, and I know things can get better.


3. Professional Experience:

With over 15 years in leadership and coaching, 11 top certifications, hundreds of hours of coaching and mentoring, and over 80 satisfied clients, I always bring my best to the table. My experience spans from management and mentoring to developing methodologies, implementing coaching and leadership programs, individual coaching processes, and group training.


4. Studied and Tested Processes:

The processes used in the “Mind Map Reconfiguration” method are studied and tested, including on myself. These are not personal inventions but proven and reliable processes that create an effective and safe working environment for clients.


5. Focus on Value:

My main goal is to bring value to my clients’ lives. Every person I have worked with has emerged from the process feeling that they have added significant value to their personal and professional life.


The Mind Map Reconfiguration Method

The “Mind Map Reconfiguration” Methodology Consists of Three Fundamental Steps:


1. Identifying Personal Resources:

  • Values: Discovering the personal values that motivate you and guide your actions.
  • Abilities Identifying the unique competencies and talents you possess.
  • Maximum Potential: Creating a vision of your ideal self and what is possible when you reach this potential.
  • Ideal Future Self: Forming a clear and aspirational vision of your ideal life, integrating your values, skills, and maximum potential.


2. Identifying Blockages:

  • Limiting Beliefs: Recognizing and understanding the beliefs that prevent you from achieving success.
  • Emotional Behavior: Assessing and managing emotional reactions that may block you.
  • Self-Image: Analyzing your self-perception and how it influences your decisions and relationships.


3. Reconfiguring the Mindset:

  • Detailed Pathway Definition: Establishing a clear and concrete plan to achieve your goals, considering the identified resources and blockages.
  • Pathway Implementation: Executing the necessary strategies and actions to reach your desired destination, focusing on overcoming obstacles and optimally utilizing resources.


The “Mind Map Reconfiguration” methodology is the result of extensive experience and a continuous dedication to personal and professional development. It is a proven approach that has helped numerous clients achieve their goals and enhance their lives.

  • Pasul de identificare a resurselor
    Identifying inner resources
  • Blocaje
    Identifying blockages
  • Reconfigurarea mentalitatii
    Mindset reconfiguration
The Steps We'll Take in the Program

1. Setting the Destination


Purpose: Helps you gain direction, like a compass.

It’s important to recognize where you are currently in your life and where you want to go. This “where you want to go” will represent your vision for our work together.


Number of coaching sessions: 1



Clarify what (and why) you want to achieve by the end of this program.


2. Discovering Your Inner Personal Resources


Purpose: Helps you gain motivation, confidence, energy, and “tools” for navigating the “journey.”

Values, Skills, Maximum Potential, and Future Vision are the resources we will use to increase motivation, overcome blockages, and create effective strategies for achieving your goals.


Number of coaching sessions: 4



  • Identifying personal values:
    • Rediscover what truly defines you and what is important to you. When we live in alignment with our values, we live in harmony and we have energy.
  • Identifying skills:
    • We’ll discover what you do well and easily, using these skills to create new ones or take actions to remove blockages.
  • Discovering maximum potential:
    • We’ll explore who you are when operating at your maximum potential and what is possible in those moments. We’ll create energy, motivation, and confidence.
  • Future self:
    • Creating a future vision to aspire to, reflecting your maximum potential, values, skills, and vision.


3. Identifying Blockages/Obstacles


Purpose: Helps you understand which limiting beliefs have been “holding you back.”

The better you know yourself, the more you understand how and why you operate in certain ways in different situations. You can only make changes when you understand what needs to be changed. Therefore, it’s important to understand patterns, limiting beliefs, emotional behaviors, and your self-image.


Number of coaching sessions: 3



  • Limiting beliefs:
    • We’ll discover the most important programs running in your unconscious mind that prevent you from acting differently.
  • Managing emotions:
    • We’ll explore your emotional behavior—whether you tend to avoid emotions through unhelpful actions, react impulsively, and how you perceive and are affected by the emotions of others.
  • Self-image:
    • Your self-image is the perspective from which you make decisions and present yourself to the world. Sometimes this image is based on patterns and limiting beliefs that are no longer useful. It’s important to become aware of this image to change it.


4. Defining the Route to the Destination


Purpose: Helps you define your route, strategy, and have a plan to reach your destination.

Once we have a vision (destination), resources to start, and know the obstacles, we can create effective strategies or routes to reach the “destination.” In this step, we’ll concretely define the goal/route.


Number of coaching sessions: 1



  • Identifying the ideal route/method to reach the destination.
  • Example:
    • Suppose in the vision stage, you mentioned feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and wanting to have more energy and enjoy life more, including time with family. After exploring limiting beliefs and emotional behavior, we may realize that the home environment is unpleasant or that you prefer to avoid certain issues by immersing yourself in work. Alternatively, we might discover you only find validation through work. At this point, the vision of having more energy and spending more time with your family becomes a concrete goal, such as addressing unpleasant home situations or finding validation within the family and in non-work activities.
    • We now know the route to take to reach the destination.



5. Executing the Route


Purpose: Helps you follow the established route/plan to reach your destination.

Now that we have everything needed—vision, resources, knowledge of obstacles, and an optimal method for you to reach the destination—we will work on actions and strategies to follow the route.


Number of coaching sessions: 6



  • In these sessions, we’ll address relevant topics for the specific goal set in step 4, use the resources discovered in step 2, and create strategies and actions to reach the “destination.”
    This step is crucial and extremely important in our process. Up to this point, I have introduced discussion topics to define the perfect framework for action. Now it’s your turn. During these sessions, you will need to bring discussion topics aligned with the vision and strategy identified.
  • Why is it important for you to bring up topics, and why not have me provide them? Because the process of thinking about what is important to discuss between sessions programs your brain and mind to take action, engage in the change you want to make. You’ll reflect on what is truly important to you, what you feel, where you need help, and what represents a step in your process.
  • My goal is not to give you a ready-made solution.
    My goal is to teach you how to find solutions yourself when needed.
    For this, you must allocate time between sessions to think about what we discussed.
    You’ll need to put it into practice, observe yourself, see what feels difficult or easy, and bring this input to our sessions for discussion to make progress.


  • If you joined the program to feel more relaxed in your professional activities, work more efficiently but less, and invest more time in your personal life and family, after the first session, we realized you needed clarity on why you are overwhelmed with activities, some of which may not be as important but consume a lot of your time.
  • Later, we discovered your inner resources, set a future vision to aspire to, and identified the top 3 blockages holding you back—let’s say they are: desire for control, fear of judgment, and avoidance of unpleasant emotions and home tensions.
  • When defining the route, we realized that to gain clarity, you need to replace control with flexibility and trust and create a welcoming environment at home where you enjoy “refuge” to recharge your batteries.
  • From here, you need to think about and observe things like:
    • How do I feel at work when delegating?
    • How do I feel at work when setting boundaries?
    • How do I feel at work when I’m not in control? What would it mean to be more flexible? For example, in situation X, where I feel I need to handle things a certain way, if employees/colleagues are dissatisfied, what would it mean to be more flexible, and what am I afraid of?
    • What would it mean to be more flexible with family? What needs in the family are not being met? What discussions upset me, and why? How would I like to approach them?
    • How do I feel when there are arguments in the family? What can I do to create a welcoming environment? What do I need from my partner? What needs does he/she have? How can I meet them?
    • What would make me feel loved and connected? Etc.
  • The blockages we discover before this step will help, in addition to defining the route, to identify situations to be attentive to (they will help generate the above questions), and the resources will help us find solutions to overcome them.
  • These are just a few examples of questions you can ask yourself between sessions, depending on what we discover is important for you and what you observe happening with yourself.
  • You are the main actor in your life and the one participating in your life’s actions. To navigate the path to your goal, you need to provide on-the-ground information, which we’ll process together and find solutions for you to reach your destination.



6. Consolidating the Applied Strategy


Purpose: Helps you recognize progress and the strategy so you can apply it to other situations.

Closing the program and recognizing the journey and evolution.


Number of coaching sessions: 1



We’ll review our work together and create a vision board to help you stay anchored in the new mindset whenever you feel you might deviate.

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My story

Who is Ioana?

The reason behind my transition from Engineering and IT Leadership to Mind Engineering and Inner Transformation Processes.

Nine years ago, I moved to Bucharest and worked as a Project Manager in an IT company. My obsession with work led me to spend countless hours at the office, neglecting my personal needs. I believed that success required constant effort and that happiness was essential regardless of the circumstances. This intense period resulted in constant anxiety, insomnia, and physical and mental exhaustion, eventually leading to burnout.

The turning point was realizing the chaos in my life and its impact on me.

Once I slowed down and prioritized quality over quantity, I began to see results, promotions, and recognition.

With over 15 years of experience in Leadership and Coaching, I have held various roles such as Project Manager, Program Manager, Delivery Manager, Coach and Mentor, Head of Project Management, and Senior Engineering Manager. I am now a Professional Coach and Entrepreneur. I have managed complex teams, contributing to organizational transformation and sustainable growth.

I have developed and implemented coaching programs, contributing to the company’s nomination for the Prism Awards ICF. I have provided coaching for leaders, managers, entrepreneurs, and team performance improvement. I have collaborated with other companies to deliver leadership and personal development coaching programs.

I have offered over 1000 hours of individual coaching and mentoring for clarity and cultivating a healthy, flexible mindset, helping over 80 individuals.

My coaching experience also includes supporting young leaders and entrepreneurs through volunteer programs.

Maybe you're thinking that:

1. “I don’t have time for such a program.”

You might feel that you already have too much on your plate and that adding a new commitment could overwhelm you even more. Your time is already limited, and you’re worried that a coaching program would just add more pressure.

My response: I understand how precious your time is and how overwhelming it can seem to add something new to your agenda. That’s why the “Reconfiguring the Mental Map” program is designed to help you manage your time better, not to clutter your schedule. Each session is tailored to your specific needs, and together we’ll work to remove the blocks that are draining your energy and time unnecessarily. In the end, you’ll find that you’ll actually have more time for yourself and for the things that truly matter.


2. “I’m not sure this program will work for me.”

You might feel that despite having tried many things in the past, nothing has delivered the results you wanted. You’re skeptical and wonder if this program will really be effective for you.

My response: I understand your skepticism, especially if you’ve tried other solutions without success. The “Reconfiguring the Mental Map” methodology is different because each session is customized for you. There is no one-size-fits-all approach. Every person is unique, and our program is based on studied and tested processes combined with my personal and professional experience. I have already helped over 80 people find clarity, confidence, and achieve results, and I’m here to adapt the method to your needs, ensuring you achieve the desired results.


3. “I’m not sure if now is the right time to start.”

You might feel that you have too much on your plate right now or that you need to resolve other issues before committing to such a program. You want to be in a better place before you begin.

My response: I understand that it can seem difficult to start something new when you feel you already have too much to manage. However, often waiting for the “perfect time” can indefinitely postpone the changes you want to make. The “Reconfiguring the Mental Map” program is designed to help you even amid your current challenges. Together, we will work to provide you with the clarity and direction you need now so that you don’t continue to delay living the life you deserve. By starting now, you’ll be able to make the necessary changes to have clarity, confidence and achieve your desired results, regardless of what else is happening in your life.

Free Clarity and Personalized Strategy Counseling session
Why do I offer something for free

Exclusively Free Benefits: The Consultation Call and Final Coaching Session

As part of the program, you will receive two essential, completely free opportunities to help you achieve your goals and transform your life:


  1. Clarity and Personalized Strategy Counseling Session: In this free call, we will get to know each other better and explore your needs and objectives together. The goal is to assess compatibility and establish the necessary chemistry for effective collaboration. We will discuss the challenges you are facing, and I will provide you with a personalized strategy tailored to your situation. Additionally, I will explain how the program works, outline the steps we will follow, and answer all your questions to ensure you have the clarity you need before we begin.


  1. Final Coaching Session: The last session of the program is dedicated to consolidating and celebrating your success. We will review the progress made, celebrate your achievements, and discuss how you can apply the “Mental Map Reconfiguration” method to other areas of your life. The purpose of this session is to equip you with the resources and confidence needed to continue on your own, without relying on my support. I want to see you fully prepared to navigate future challenges successfully, leveraging the lessons learned and the tools developed during the program.


These two free benefits are designed to provide you not only with a valuable introduction to the process but also with a conclusion that prepares you for long-term success. Creating a clear and sustainable plan, as well as reinforcing your confidence, is essential to ensuring that you make significant progress towards your goals.

Free Clarity and Personalized Strategy Counseling Session

Schedule a  30 min free Clarity & Personalized strategy Counseling Session


Take advantage of this opportunity to experience profound change. Spaces are limited.

Gain the clarity and personalized strategies needed to accelerate your success. Choose to invest in yourself and your future!

Book your free session

Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Act now to start a process of change that could redefine your future.

No risks

Success is guaranteed


I understand that taking this step might feel intimidating, which is why I offer a risk-free guarantee to ensure you feel secure.

If you don’t find value in the initial session, you won’t lose anything. The real risk is staying stuck in your current situation, wasting time and money on ineffective strategies. Don’t let fear hold you back – take the first step toward your success.

Book your free session