Coaching & Evolution | Elevating Leadership: The Impact of Coaching Skills in Leadership positions
Explore the significance of coaching skills as a crucial component in the Propeller Method of balanced leadership. Learn how empathetic connection and skillful questioning bridge gaps, foster growth, and empower teams. Discover a personal journey of transitioning from leader to coach and the transformative effects on leadership practices.
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Elevating Leadership through Coaching Skills

In the dynamic world of leadership, a delicate equilibrium among management, leadership, and coaching skills is the cornerstone of success. Just as a propeller needs its blades to work in perfect harmony for a plane to soar, a leader’s prowess relies on cultivating and integrating these three essential components. In this installment of our series inspired by the Propeller Method of Christina Lagnelius, we delve into the realm of coaching skills. As a former seasoned leader who has now embraced the role of a professional coach, this topic holds a special place in my heart. Let’s explore how coaching skills, as one of the propeller’s blades, are instrumental in steering the plane of leadership towards the skies of triumph.

In this article, we journey into the realm of coaching skills, the third blade of the Propeller Method. We begin by understanding the holistic synergy that occurs when management, leadership, and coaching skills converge harmoniously. Through insightful chapters, we uncover the profound impact of coaching skills on leadership effectiveness and organizational growth. This exploration is punctuated by personal anecdotes that provide a unique perspective from the lens of a former leader turned professional coach. As we embark on this voyage, remember the wisdom of an inspiring quote: “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.

Unveiling the Coaching Blade

In the intricate dance of leadership, management, and coaching, the third blade of the Propeller Method, coaching skills, emerges as a dynamic force that propels individuals and organizations toward remarkable growth. Just as a propeller’s blades must work in perfect harmony for a plane to glide smoothly through the sky, coaching skills harmonize with management and leadership to create a symphony of success. This chapter unveils the essence of coaching skills, their distinctiveness in the leadership landscape, and the profound impact they have on nurturing a culture of growth, empowerment, and collaboration.

Understanding Coaching Skills: Coaching skills encompass a unique set of tools and techniques that transcend traditional management and leadership practices. Unlike managers who primarily direct tasks and leaders who inspire visions, coaches facilitate introspection, growth, and self-discovery. The coach’s role is not to impose solutions but to unlock the potential that resides within each individual. This symbiotic relationship between coaching and leadership yields a powerful cocktail of skills that catalyzes transformative change.

Distinctive Features of Coaching: The role of a coach is multifaceted and requires a refined set of qualities. Unlike managers who provide solutions, coaches pose thoughtful questions that stimulate critical thinking. Rather than commanding tasks, coaches empower individuals to take ownership of their challenges and triumphs. By fostering a nonjudgmental environment, coaches create safe spaces for open communication and vulnerability. This distinct approach allows for a deeper connection that transcends traditional hierarchical boundaries.

The Synergy of Coaching and Leadership: In the grand tapestry of leadership, coaching skills emerge as the bridge that connects inspirational leadership and effective management. Leaders with coaching skills are poised to unlock the latent potential within their teams, fostering an atmosphere of trust, collaboration, and innovation. These skills infuse leadership practices with a human touch, reinforcing the belief that every team member possesses untapped capabilities waiting to be unleashed.

Unlocking Growth and Empowerment: At the core of coaching lies the principle of growth through self-awareness. Coaching skills encourage individuals to reflect on their strengths, weaknesses, and aspirations, enabling them to chart their own paths toward improvement. This intrinsic motivation drives a sense of ownership and empowerment, transforming team members into proactive contributors who are committed to both personal and collective success.

Case Study: The Coaching-Led Turnaround: Consider the story of a team leader who recognized the power of coaching skills in a time of crisis. Faced with dwindling morale and stagnant performance, the leader decided to embrace a coaching approach. By asking probing questions and actively listening to team members’ concerns, the leader not only identified root causes but also instilled a sense of accountability and ownership. Through targeted coaching conversations, the team underwent a remarkable transformation, leading to improved morale, innovative problem-solving, and a resurgence of productivity.

The Power of Empathetic Connection

Exploring Active Listening: At the heart of effective coaching lies the art of active listening, a skill that transcends mere hearing and delves into the realm of genuine understanding. Active listening entails not only processing spoken words but also grasping the emotions, concerns, and nuances underlying the communication. In coaching, active listening serves as a powerful tool that enables coaches to connect deeply with their team members, unraveling the layers of their thoughts and feelings. This empathetic approach paves the way for authentic conversations that foster trust, openness, and mutual respect.

Bridging the Gap through Empathetic Understanding: Empathetic understanding acts as a bridge that spans the gap between leaders and their teams, nurturing a culture of empathy and cooperation. When leaders exhibit empathetic listening, team members feel valued and heard, strengthening their commitment to the organization’s goals. This bridge of empathy transcends hierarchical boundaries, creating a safe space for individuals to share their challenges, aspirations, and innovative ideas without fear of judgment. Empathetic understanding humanizes leadership, transforming it from a position of authority to a partnership of shared growth.

Case Studies in Empathetic Coaching: Consider the case of a team struggling to meet its targets due to a lack of motivation and burnout. The leader, armed with empathetic coaching skills, initiated one-on-one sessions with team members. Through active listening, the leader uncovered underlying concerns about workload distribution and unclear expectations. By addressing these issues empathetically, the leader not only boosted team morale but also optimized task allocation, resulting in improved performance and enhanced collaboration.

In another scenario, a leader recognized a communication gap between a cross-functional team.

By employing empathetic coaching, the leader facilitated open dialogues where team members could voice their concerns and perspectives. This empathetic approach not only bridged gaps in understanding but also sowed the seeds of a collaborative mindset, leading to creative problem-solving and the development of innovative solutions.

In both instances, empathetic coaching nurtured a culture of trust, respect, and collaboration, illustrating the profound impact of empathetic connection on team dynamics and overall performance.

Catalyzing Potential through Questioning

The Transformative Impact of Skillful Questioning: Coaching skills manifest their potency through the art of skillful questioning. Questions, when crafted thoughtfully, serve as catalysts for critical thinking and self-discovery. A coach’s ability to pose insightful queries guides individuals to explore their own perspectives, challenge assumptions, and arrive at profound insights. Unlike direct commands or advice-giving, skillful questioning empowers team members to analyze situations from various angles, thereby enhancing problem-solving skills and fostering a sense of autonomy.

Empowering Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Empowerment lies at the heart of skillful questioning. When leaders harness the power of questioning, they encourage individuals to take ownership of their challenges and seek innovative solutions. The act of wrestling with thought-provoking questions stimulates curiosity and deepens understanding, propelling team members to develop creative strategies. This approach shifts the dynamic from leaders being the sole dispensers of solutions to team members becoming active participants in shaping their destinies.

Real-World Examples of Skillful Questioning: Imagine a project team facing a roadblock that threatens to derail their timeline. Rather than dictating a solution, a skilled coach-leader engages the team through probing questions that unveil the underlying issues. By prompting the team to explore potential approaches, the leader not only stimulates critical thinking but also reinforces the team’s sense of ownership over the solution. This process not only leads to a timely resolution but also nurtures a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement.

In another instance, a leader seeks to enhance a team member’s decision-making skills. Instead of offering direct advice, the leader poses questions that encourage the team member to evaluate risks, benefits, and alternatives. This approach cultivates independent thinking and accountability, leading to more confident and well-informed decisions. Such examples underscore the profound impact of skillful questioning on nurturing empowered individuals and cohesive teams.

From Leader to Coach: A Personal Metamorphosis

A Journey of Transformation: My transition from a seasoned leader to a professional coach was a journey of self-discovery and transformation. As a leader, I thrived in the realm of management and leadership skills, yet it was coaching that ignited a new passion within me. The shift from giving directives to fostering self-guided growth reshaped my perspective on leadership dynamics. Embracing coaching skills, I embarked on a metamorphosis that not only rejuvenated my leadership practices but also instilled a profound sense of purpose.

Reviving Leadership through Coaching: Integrating coaching skills into my leadership arsenal breathed new life into my interactions with team members. I realized that my role as a leader was not just to steer the ship but to empower individuals to chart their own courses. By employing active listening, empathetic understanding, and skillful questioning, I transcended traditional hierarchical barriers. The renewed emphasis on fostering growth and facilitating self-discovery enhanced team engagement and performance. This shift also transformed my role from a ‘doer’ to an enabler, as I witnessed individuals flourish under their newfound autonomy.

Lessons and Ripple Effects: The integration of coaching principles into leadership illuminated valuable lessons. I learned that leadership is not about having all the answers but guiding others to find solutions. Embracing vulnerability and embracing others’ perspectives cultivates trust and strengthens bonds. The ripple effects of this transformation were undeniable – a culture of collaboration emerged, individuals felt valued, and innovation flourished. The approach also had a lasting impact on team members’ personal and professional growth, echoing the sentiment that coaching extends far beyond the workplace.

Having traversed the realms of leadership, management, and now coaching, I can attest to the profound influence of coaching skills on leadership dynamics. It was through coaching that I discovered the beauty of guiding individuals towards their fullest potential. Witnessing the transformation in their confidence, problem-solving abilities, and personal growth has been a deeply rewarding journey. As leaders, when we step into the shoes of a coach, we not only elevate our teams but also ignite a spark of inspiration that fuels organizational advancement.


In the symphony of leadership, where management, leadership, and coaching skills intertwine, coaching emerges as a harmonizing force that propels individuals and organizations to greatness. Through empathetic connections, skillful questioning, and a personal commitment to growth, coaching skills breathe life into leadership. As the third blade of the Propeller Method, coaching ignites a sense of purpose, empowers teams, and guides the flight of leadership towards the clear skies of success. So, let us embrace coaching skills as the propeller that lifts our leadership endeavors to new heights, creating a symphony of achievement that resonates far beyond the confines of our roles.

📅 Ready to experience the transformation firsthand? Don’t miss out on the chance to schedule a free discovery call and experiment with the power of coaching for yourself.

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